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The United States will not impose new tariffs on solar imports for two years


Understands just, soapy photovoltaic (pv) network, according to the Wall Street journal, citing unnamed people familiar with the words at the end of the United States will be announced today, two years won't be any new tariffs on solar energy imports, allow the United States imported from Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam solar panels, two years is not affected by tariffs, designed to allow stagnation of solar projects on track.  Us tariffs on domestic pv are 201 and 301.  On May 3, the OFFICE of the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced that two actions that imposed tariffs on Chinese imports based on the results of the so-called section 301 investigation four years ago would end on July 6 and August 23 respectively.  The tariffs could be lifted because of the sharp rise in inflationary pressures, it said. 

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